There were several errors in the March 26 story headlined “Annual Town Meeting is (mostly) controversy-free” (the video of the entire meeting is available here):
- The description of the Housing Commission incorrectly implied that all five members currently serve five-year terms. In fact, three members are elected to three year terms and two members are appointed to five-year terms.
- In that same section, a quote about how running for election to a town board or commission “is not for everyone” was misattributed to Select Board member Jim Hutchinson. It was actually Select Board member Jonathan Dwyer who made the remark.
- Also, the description of how the proposed amendment to the motion came into being was not sufficiently detailed. In a March 27 email to the Squirrel, Housing Commisson member Allen Vander Meulen wrote that Town Counsel Joel Bard “proposed we craft an amendment that addressed Sara [Mattes’s] concerns — and he did so with my thanks and approval. My intent was to propose the amendment should Sara’s concerns be raised and an amendment actually proposed, while making it clear I personally did not support it, which is exactly what I did.” That paragraph has been reworded in the original article.
The paragraph on accessory apartments mischaracterized the differing requirements for apartments within the main dwelling vs. in a separate accessory structure. The change approved at Town Meeting allows homeowners to create an accessory apartment by right within the main dwelling as long as they follow the rest of the bylaw’s requirements. Accessory apartments in accessory buildings (a small separate building) do still require a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
- In the paragraph after the “Fond farewells” subhead, the name of Bobbie Miles, who is retiring as longtime director of the Lincoln Public Library, was omitted.