In the January 17 article about the Winter Carnival, two events were listed under the wrong day. The PTO Bingo Night and the Multi-generational Singalong are on Friday, Jan. 27, not Saturday.
- In the January 17 News Acorns, an item describing a January 26 event on civil disobedience with Jason and Jessica Packineau omitted one of the speakers. Jeffrey S. Cramer, Curator of Collections at Walden Woods Project and Thoreau, will speak about civil disobedience and how it relates to us today.
- The Council on Aging has announced a new time for one of its January activities and a new activity. “World Hand Drumming for Fun and Well-being” has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 9:30 a.m. Jai Kaur (Annamaria San Antonio) will offer—as a gift or by donation—”Therapeutic Mini-Massage” on Friday, Jan. 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bemis Hall.
The articles and related calendar events have been updated to reflect these changes.