There’s a bear in the woods — and it’s not a Reagan campaign ad, either. It’s in the Lincoln woods (not to be confused with Lincoln Woods, never fear). Paula Robinson, who lives on Rockwood Lane, was the first to report seeing the young black bear on May 9 at 4:30 a.m. Her doorbell camera…
Eversource arborist explains roadside tree removal
Residents may have noticed temporary signs attached to numerous roadside trees in town that are being targeted for removal by Eversource. The town is required to hold a public hearing to invite comments or objections to removal of specific trees; it will take place on Wednesday, May 22 at 7 p.m. at the DPW office…
In the April 17 article headlined “Planning Board discusses policies in wake of Town Meeting tumult,” the first paragraph on public comments had two proposed policies reversed. The corrected paragraph now reads: For nonjudiciary issues — those having to do with general policy or zoning — members proposed following the Select Board’s policy of allowing…
My Turn: Submit comments to stop private jet expansion
By Alex Chatfield and Trisha O’Hagan Dear Lincoln residents, You no doubt have seen the “Stop Private Jet Expansion” yard signs throughout the town. We need everyone’s help now that the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been released by the developers. This is your opportunity to send a message to Governor Healey’s administration, through…
In the calendar and the March 21 edition of “News acorns,” the registration link for “Three Unique Case Studies of Home Heating and Ventilation System Upgrades” on Monday, April 29 at 7 p.m. was incorrect. Those links have been corrected; click here to register. In bullet point #7 in the April 1 story headlined “My Turn: What happened…
Glass, Taylor defeat challengers in town election; community center vote fairly close
In the two contested races in the March 25 town election, Select Board member Jennifer Glass defeated Frank Clark to win a third term, 64%–36%, while Gary Taylor bested Sarah Postlethwait to retain his seat on the Planning Board, 58%–42%. The ballot question on funding for the community center, which required a simple majority, passed…
My Turn: DeLisi’s version of HCA amendment events
By Lynn DeLisi Editor’s note: DeLisi, a member of the Planning Board, originally posted the following as a comment on the March 25 Lincoln Squirrel story headlined “HCAWG, RLF were surprised by rumored amendment to zoning motion” and is being reprinted here with her permission.) None of what is being reported here was shared with…
The March 21 edition of “News Acorns” listed the wrong day of the week and time for the memorial for Susan Sugar. It will be held at the First Parish Church on Saturday, April 6 at 2 p.m. The original post has been corrected….
Anonymous mailbox flyer argues against Housing Choice Act
Ratcheting up the tension even further, one or more people left unsigned anti-Housing Choice Act flyers in mailboxes around town on the night of Tuesday, March 19, stirring disgust and police complaints by some of the recipients. “It got to the point that multiple people were calling,” said Acting Police Chief Sean Kennedy. He cited…
Editor’s note
A reader took issue with the March 19 headline “LRHA proponents demand podium time at Town Meeting” in a story comment and emails to the Squirrel asked that it be changed, particularly the verb: “The use of ‘demand’ is prejudicial and indicates a negative view of the petition signers, many of whom are my neighbors…