(Editor’s note: This story was originally published on or about Jan. 18, 2021 but was lost after a website outage and later recovered.)
By Lynne Smith
I have been working for years to reduce the carbon footprint at our house. We have reduced our consumption by simple measures — LED lights, temperature control, turning off electronics, etc. — and we have had home energy assessments that helped us improve energy efficiency. Still, we need electricity, most of which is powered by nonrenewable fuel sources.
Now, with the new Lincoln Green Energy Choice program, I am pleased to choose 100% renewable electricity delivered by Eversource. Thanks to the bulk purchasing power contracted by the Town, we can increase the renewable fuels used to provide our electricity supply with minimal or no increase in cost relative to the Eversource winter 2021 price.
While many companies have been offering contracts for renewable electricity, most of these do not enhance the development of local projects. Instead, they are based on already-developed sources such as Texas wind power. In addition, these contracts often have escalating prices over time. Lincoln Green Energy Choice supports local projects and offers a stable price for 22 months.
Lincoln Green Energy Choice will take effect this spring and will allow everyone in town to reduce their carbon emissions by adding more renewables to their electricity supply. You can learn more about the program by going to the website www.LincolnGreenEnergyChoice.com or by attending one of the many Zoom sessions offered by the Lincoln Green Energy Committee.
Lynne Smith is a resident of Tabor Hill Road and can be reached at Lynne@Smith.net.
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