Town officials will open a new wetlands boardwalk on Sunday, April 2 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the result of six years of planning and fundraising.
Several years ago, Lincoln School science teacher Terry Green and others envisioned a new boardwalk behind the school as a great learning experience for students. (An old boardwalk had fallen into disrepair and was pulled out.) The boardwalk is reached from a trail from behind the Smith playground running north to the town muster field at the intersection of Sandy Pond and Baker Bridge Roads. It includes an outdoor “classroom space” where groups can gather to learn about the wetlands.
The project was funded by the Lincoln Public Schools, the Lincoln Community Preservation Committee, the Lincoln School Foundation and the Lincoln Cultural Council.
Attendees at the opening may park in the Smith parking lot; the boardwalk path begins behind the green playground.