By Valerie Fox
The Cemetery Commission extends its deepest appreciation to all the volunteers who turned out on September 28, October 5, and October 12 to care for Lincoln’s oldest cemetery monuments. Hard-working volunteers including staff from the Lincoln Public Library, Parks and Recreation Department, and Town Hall as well as and new and long-time residents, Lincoln Minute Men, Lincoln Boy Scouts, and L-S students rolled up their sleeves to clean and reset monuments in the Bemis Cemetery, the Arborvitae Cemetery, and the Precinct Cemetery.
The workshops were given by restoration specialist Ta Mara Conde. Volunteers learned the proper techniques for headstone cleaning and resetting and got right to work. We had beautiful fall days with 25+ people attending each workshop. We even had volunteers return for multiple workshops! Everyone ended each session feeling they had made a significant difference in the restoration of Lincoln’s most fragile and historic monuments.
To all who worked to restore Lincoln’s monuments, the Cemetery Commission expresses its greatest thanks! You made such a difference, and your hard work was greatly appreciated. The photos below show some of the highlights of the three workshops.
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