Lincoln Academy with Walter McClennen: Preserving History Through Family Letters
Walter McClennen is a local author who writes to preserve history through compiling family letters in a book format. His most recent book is Remembering Clem: A Good American in Iran, Thirty Years of Christian Service, 1948-1978. This fascinating story of one humble American doing Presbyterian mission work in Iran in the post-World War II era helps us to better understand past and present Iranian-American relations. McClennen will detail the importance of Clement Scott, Jr., and of preserving old family letters. He will detail how to approach organizing collections of old family letters and publishing them in an interesting and informative book format. The goal is to preserve little known but important chapters of our national history. The COA provides beverages and dessert. The lectures last about an hour, including a question and answer period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program to continue their discussion. All ages welcome.
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