(Editor’s note: The salutation in this letter originally read “Dear Lincoln.”)
To the editor:
At Saturday’s Town Meeting, the citizens of Lincoln voted overwhelmingly to support both a school renovation project and the School Committee and Board of Selectmen’s joint submission of a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). The success of these votes is due to the many, many hours of hard work and tireless public outreach by the members of the School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC).
Led by Doug Adams and Superintendent Becky McFall, and comprised of a diverse group of volunteers, the SBAC was so effective in its work because of the transparent process it fostered. The outreach, capably led by our consultants from Dore & Whittier, involved a wide spectrum of citizens. No matter their views of the project as presented in 2012, citizens believed that we as a town must come together to move forward and find a solution to the facility needs of the Lincoln School.
I would like to make special note of the leadership of Dr. McFall, who, as part of the SBAC’s outreach, articulated an educational vision that drew a clear connection between educational theory and the physical environment of the school.
Finally, Saturday’s outcome would not have happened without the input and support that the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and Capital Planning Committee offered the School Committee.
On behalf of the School Committee, I want to express our deep gratitude. The votes on Saturday were a victory for volunteerism, good process, and thoughtful collaboration.
There is much work left to do, and there are many decisions yet to be made. We look forward to your continued engagement as we embark on the next phase of the journey.
Jennifer Glass
Chair, Lincoln School Committee
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to news@lincolnsquirrel.com. Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic, will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Letters containing personal attacks, errors of fact or other inappropriate material will not be published.