The October 12 story headlined “Septic treatment becoming an issue for mall and South Lincoln” may have implied that the four-member South Lincoln Planning Advisory Committee will not have any presence from the Finance Committee. While he will not be a voting member, FinCom member Tom Sander will act as liaison to SLPAC. The article…
Second diversity roundtable now set for Oct. 15
Due to widespread power outages in town, the October 7 roundtable on diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism hosted by the Board of Selectmen was canceled and will now be held on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. This forum will focus on the role of town government in promoting these four values. If you already registered…
Fierce blast of wind leaves many Lincolnites without power
Editor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect the fact that the storm was in fact a derecho. Half of Lincoln was without power Wednesday evening after an unexpected derecho blew through the area with high winds and rain. The widespread outages forced the postponement of the Board of Selectmen’s Diversity and Inclusion roundtable…
Masked man seen again in Lincoln
A South Great Road resident called police on the afternoon of September 26 to report that the same masked man who was seen on camera at the house on September 5 was back at the residence looking to sell magazines. The man was asked to leave the residence, police said. After being spotted in both…
Issue #2 of the Chipmunk is here!
Hot off the (digital) presses is the newest issue of the Lincoln Chipmunk. Have a look at writing and artwork by your fellow Lincolnites: We’re shooting for an every-other-month schedule, so the deadline for the next issue in the first week of December will be Monday, November 22. If you live, work, or go to…
The September 30 article headlined “Leaked harassment allegations against Higgins result in uproar” originally stated that the complaint by Jennifer Burney was sent to only two of the three Selectmen. However, the Lincoln Squirrel has learned that Selectman Jonathan Dwyer also received it, albeit in a separate email. The article has been updated to reflect…
Leaked harassment allegations against Higgins result in uproar
(Editor’s note: this story was updated on October 1.) A copy of a formal discrimination complaint by one town employee about another was posted to the LincolnTalk email list on September 29, and police are now investigating because the email that included the post was “spoofed” — fraudulently signed in the name of an elderly…
Police log for September 18–24, 2020
September 18 Hillside Road (12:20 p.m.) — Caller reported someone filed a fraudulent unemployment claim in their name. deCordova Museum (4:58 p.m.) — Caller reported individuals parking and unloading fishing gear. Officer located the parties and advised them to move along. South Great Road (7:54 p.m.) — Jonathan Caso, 23, of 63 Florence Rd. in…
Property sales in August 2020
8 Silver Hill Rd. — John Peters to Kathy and Andy Gabelman for $925,000 (August 31) 140 Lincoln Rd. — Leo W. Roache to James B. and Diane M. Callahan for $451,000 (August 31) 11 Hillside Rd. — William A. Nockles to Brooks and Patricia Mostue for $575,000 (August 28) 8 Ridge Rd. — Fredrick…
Diversity forum looks at policing in Lincoln and Middlesex County
In the first of three townwide roundtables on diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan and local officials outlined progress that’s being made in terms of policing and law enforcement — and what still needs to be done. “The pandemic and the George Floyd murder have put a focus on policing…