Free Covid-19 PCR testing available The Town of Lincoln will continue to provide free Covid-19 PCR drive-through testing at the Pierce House on Wednesday, Jan. 19: 3:30–4 p.m. — seniors (age 60+). Please call the Council on Aging & Human Services at 781-259-8811 to schedule a time. 4– 6 p.m. — all ages. Advance registration…
My Turn: Jason Lee throws hat in ring for Water Commission
Hello Lincoln neighbors! My name is Jason Lee and I have lived in Lincoln for one year with my 14-year-old twins. I love the town and would like to volunteer my time, skills, and abilities to keep it a great place for all residents. Thus, I am asking you to vote for me to fill…
Bruno the serval, minus his bad leg, heads to a sanctuary
Bruno the serval cat is on his way to his forever home in Minnesota after successful surgery to amputate his right hind leg, which was broken in two places when he was rescued in Lincoln earlier this month. Bruno was captured by workers from the MSPCA/Angell Memorial Hospital on January 4 in the garage of…
Police log for Jan. 1–8, 2022
January 1 Stonehedge Road (12:46 a.m.) — Caller reported that a friend who lives in Lincoln went hiking on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire and had not been heard from. Officers went to the residence and found that the party was not due back home until later in the day. The party later called to…
News acorns
Jan. 11 talk by Palestinian scientist Lincoln’s GRALTA Foundation is co-sponsoring “Hope in the Midst of Calamity: A View from Palestine, ” an online presentation by Bethlehem University professor and Palestine Museum of Natural History founder Mazin Qumsiyeh, on Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 7 p.m. The event is hosted by the Community Church of Boston and co-sponsored by Muslims for Progressive Values and…
The headline on the January 9 story, “New rules say Lincoln must allow 750 housing units in South Lincoln,” was misleading. The town is not required to change its zoning. The explanatory document on the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development’s web page titled “Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities” says that towns that…
My Turn: Hendrickson runs for another term on Water Commission
Editor’s note: Jim Hutchinson was elected to a three-year term on the Water Commission in 2021. He is stepping down early to run for the Select Board. Dear Lincolnites, I am writing today to announce my intention to run again for Water Commissioner and ask for your vote at the town election on Monday, March…
In the January 5 story headlined “Exotic cat captured in Lincoln is the talk of the town,” we’ve added a link to the story about the serval on that includes Vic Saleme’s video….
Exotic cat captured in Lincoln is the talk of the town
(Editor’s note: see an update on Bruno here.) Lincoln has some interesting animals on its farms and in its woods, but none so exotic as the serval cat that was captured with the help of the MSPCA and several Lincoln residents. The saga began on December 28 when Partridge Lane resident Martin Pierce posted a…
News acorns
New restaurant opening is several weeks off The Tack Room, the latest iteration of the restaurant in South Lincoln, is “still about 4-6 weeks away from opening,” according to owner Michael Culpo, who originally hoped to open by Christmas. “We are very excited to open and to serve the Lincoln area and beyond!” he added….