To the editor:
Mr. Richardson is absolutely right, as is John Kimball in his letter to the editor on June 4 regarding this same topic.
I’d go further and say there are multiple issues with traffic flow at that intersection: it is difficult for folks coming up Weston Road, since the heavier traffic coming down Bedford Road and off Trapelo cannot see them. Also, the turn lane in front of the library is problematic. It seems to be intended for folks to turn right from Trapelo onto Bedford, but every so often someone comes down that lane from Bedford Road towards Trapelo, nearly always causing chaos for themselves and other drivers.
At the very least, moving the Trapelo Road stop sign closer to the actual intersection would seem to be mandatory, before someone gets seriously hurt. But I’d suggest that rethinking the whole intersection—at the very least providing clearer signage and lane markings for all drivers—is necessary.
Allen Vander Meulen
Beaver Pond Road
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