A lot of attention has been focused lately on the impact of the Route 2 Crosby Corner upgrade project. There has been outrage over the unexpectedly extensive tree cutting, the daily traffic delays and the encroachment onto private lands owned by Route 2 abutters.
Candidates issue statements for Lincoln voters
Below are some statements issued over the past few weeks by candidates for town office at the election on March 31. If you are on the ballot and would like to submit a statement to the Lincoln Squirrel, please email lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com. Coming soon: articles on the two candidates for Board of Selectman.
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Letter to the editor: Support Peter Braun
To the Editor:
We are writing in support of Peter Braun’s reelection as a Lincoln selectman. We, the selectmen of Bedford, Concord and Lexington, serve with Peter on the Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS).
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Ballot corrections and additions
There were several errors in the election ballot published in the Lincoln Squirrel on March 3:
- There are now two candidates for two seats on the Bemis Trustees, Melinda Abraham and Stephen Atlas.
- Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee candidate Michael Walsh and Planning Board candidate Gary Taylor have withdrawn and will not appear on the ballot.
- The middle name of Commissioner of Trust Funds candidate Derek Paul Fitzgerald was omitted.
- The last name of Water Commission candidate Ruth Ann Hendrickson was misspelled.
The list in the March 3 article has been updated to reflect these corrections. The Squirrel regrets the errors.
Also on the March 31 ballot will be two yes-or-no questions for voters:
1. Shall an act filed in the year 2013 and passed by the General Court entitled “An Act Relative to the Granting of Special Licenses for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in the Town of Lincoln” be accepted?
Summary: On December 23, 2013, the Governor approved Chapter 187of the Acts of 2013 (the “Act”). The wording of this ballot question is taken directly from the Act, which follows a vote taken at the March 25, 2013 Annual Town Meeting. If accepted by the voters of the Town, the Act will authorize the Board of Selectmen, as licensing authority, in accordance with the provisions of G.L. c.138, §14, to issue one-day alcoholic beverage licenses for the sale of wine and beer to the organizers of special events, with one-day licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages available only to non-profit organizations. While no notice to abutters or formal hearing is required by law, the Board of Selectmen would be required to act on such license requests at meetings posted in accord with the Open Meeting Law, and retains discretion as to whether to grant such licenses. The Board of Selectmen would also be authorized to set uniform fees for such licenses.
2. Shall an act passed by the General Court in the year 2014, entitled “An Act Authorizing the Town of Lincoln to Grant a License for the Sale of Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises” be accepted?
Summary: On January 16, 2014, the Governor approved Chapter 5 of the Acts of 2014 (the “Act”). The wording of this ballot question is taken directly from the Act, which follows a vote taken at the March 25, 2013 Annual Town Meeting. If accepted by the voters of the Town, the Act will authorize the Board of Selectmen, as licensing authority, to issue a single license for the sale of beer and wine to be drunk on the premises to the deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park located at 51 Sandy Pond Road. State liquor license laws will apply to the issuance of the license. Said laws require, among other things, that the Board of Selectmen provide notice to abutters, hold a hearing, and determine that the applicant is of good character and has premises suitable for such purpose.
Letter to the editor: Reject hospice plan
Editor’s note: This letter concerning a March 6 Zoning Board of Appeals hearing was also submitted by the author to the Zoning Board of Appeals. See the Lincoln Squirrel (March 2, 2014) for background information.
[Read more…] about Letter to the editor: Reject hospice plan
Hospice proposal goes before ZBA on Thursday
A proposal for a two-story hospice facility on Winter Street property in Lincoln and Waltham, which calls for a 42,000-square-foot building and parking for 87 cars, will be the subject of a Lincoln Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) hearing on Thursday, March 6.
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Residents object to school vote proposal
In response to residents’ requests at a multiboard meeting to discuss school renovations, officials made a last-minute change in the Town Meeting agenda so the School Committee could ask for money to find out what exclusively town-funded school renovations might cost.
New location for Jet Aviation hearing
The Lincoln Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 8:15 p.m. in the Hartwell multipurpose room to hear comments on Jet Aviation’s proposal to expand into Lincoln wetlands buffer zones at Massport’s Hanscom Civil Airport. The meeting was originally slated to be held in the Town Office Building. The proposal was the subject of two recent letters to the editor in the Lincoln Squirrel.
Letter to the editor: Hospice application to ZBA
(Editor’s note: this letter concerns a proposal for a hospice on Winter Street—see the Lincoln Squirrel, Sept. 11, 2013).
To the Editor:
As you may be aware, in the summer of 2013 the Hospice of the North Shore and Greater Boston (now called Care Dimensions) purchased the property at 121-129 Winter St. This is the undeveloped property on the left as you first come into Lincoln on the one way road. They purchased about 11 acres in Lincoln and about four acres in Waltham, right below Bay Colony office park.
[Read more…] about Letter to the editor: Hospice application to ZBA
Letter to the editor: Housing Commissioner sought for 3-year term
The Lincoln Housing Commission is at an important crossroad, and we are looking for someone to join our team and make a significant contribution to the future of affordable housing in Lincoln. Lincoln’s Affordable Housing Program is more that 40 years old, and we are now working on a housing plan for the next five years and beyond. Please call me at 781-259-0393 to learn more.
Pam Gallup, Co-chairman
Lincoln Housing Commission
Letters to the editor must be signed and sent via email to lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com. Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic. They may be edited for length, grammar/punctuation, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor.