(Editor’s note: DeLisi is one of three residents running for two seats on the Planning Board. The Lincoln Squirrel published statements by all three candidates in March and new statements from Rick Rundell and Bob Domnitz earlier this week. There will be an online forum for the candidates on June 11.)
I am once again reaching out to you to ask for your vote in the upcoming Lincoln election. The fact that a seat on the Planning Board is an elected one is significant. This means that you have a choice to decide who represents you.
My background and training are not as important as what I believe in and whether I will stand up and represent what you believe in. Here is what I am for:
- Responsible planning by collaboration with neighborhoods
- Sensitivity to the feelings of abutters, the most affected by change
- Keeping a DPW Site out of North Lincoln
- Keeping the South Lincoln commercial district vibrant, but not dense with new housing
- Keeping North Lincoln residents free from any more adversity
- Regulations that preserve Lincoln’s unique rural and farm-friendly atmosphere
- Preserving the historical significance of some of Lincoln’s neighborhoods and the designated historical districts
- The highest quality education available to our children in safe facilities
- A community center that serves our residents well
- Safe and supportive facilities for senior residents
- Keeping the availability of harmful substances away from our young generation
- And… keeping Lincoln safe
While a member of the Planning Board, I actively participated in:
- Several controversial decisions that affected the wellbeing of residents and their neighborhoods, such as whether or not marijuana establishments should be in Lincoln
- Changing and simplifying some of the complicated process that new homeowners find in dealing with the Planning Board
- The change of planning directors not long after I began (and drove that process)
I immediately understood the issues raised by McLean Hospital in setting up a residential home in Lincoln and misnaming therapy “education.” And I understood very clearly from my own research studies the effects marijuana establishments would have on our town. I spoke up and was active on all these issues and more. Most importantly, I listened to and consistently was sensitive to the concerns of abutters about change.
Although you may say, “Why does a psychiatrist/neuroscientist who bridges gaps between research and the clinic think she knows enough to be on a town Planning Board?” However, my seven years on the Planning Board have taught me a range of planning and architectural principles, adding up to more years than I actually spent in medical school. Scientific methods need to be applied more in our decisions than would be imagined. My background and experience have certainly helped my decision-making on the Planning Board.
One last word, with specific regard to the South Lincoln Planning and Implementation Committee: I was not happy with the way it was running from almost its beginning, and was the first to advocate that it be radically revised or abolished. It was only last week that other members of the Planning Board all agreed to change it. However, I still am advocating for a member of the committee of five to be someone who represents the residents most affected.
I welcome comments, suggestions, and concerns anytime. You can email me at DeLisi76@aol.com or call me at 516-528-5366.
Lynn E DeLisi
125 South Great Rd.
”My Turn” is a forum for Lincoln residents to offer their views on any subject of interest to other Lincolnites. Submissions must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com. Items will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Submissions containing personal attacks, errors of fact, or other inappropriate material will not be published.