Dr. Timothy Johnson to speak at St. Anne’s
Join Dr. Timothy Johnson at St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields Church on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 9 a.m. for the first of a two-part forum series on his book, Finding God in the Questions: A Personal Journey. Ranked #8 on The New York Times Hardcover Advice Bestseller List, Finding God urges us to ask the probing questions of whether God is real, if religion is relevant to our lives, and whether faith is possible for each of us. All are welcome at St. Anne’s, located at 147 Concord Road in Lincoln.
L-S teacher/staff/student variety show on tap
Want a good laugh? Come to the 12th annual Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Faculty, Staff and Student Variety Show on Friday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Kirschner Auditorium at L-S. The event is a benefit for FELS (Foundation for Educators at Lincoln-Sudbury) and the LSTA Scholarship Fund. Acts include live music, dance, film, comedy and more. Advance tickets are $6 for students and senior citizens, $8 general admission, and will be sold from 11-12:30 p.m. outside the L-S cafeteria from October 24-28. Tickets at the door are $8 for students and senior citizens and $10 general admission. For more information, please contact Paul Sarapas at paul_sarapas@lsrhs.net.
Halloween lantern walk at Minute Man NHP
The Friends of Minute Man National Park (FMMNP) will host its annual Halloween Lantern Walk on Saturday, Oct. 29 at 5:30 p.m. at Hartwell Tavern (136 North Great Road in Lincoln). Come in costume or just as you are to enjoy an autumn evening accompanied by special colonial guests on a lantern walk along the Battle Road. The walk will be followed by spooky Halloween stories in Hartwell Barn performed by the Guild of Historic Interpreters (appropriate for children age 7 and up). FMMNP, a nonprofit that supports park initiatives and engages the community in educational events, will provide lanterns and glow in the dark bracelets to all for a suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 per family. All funds received will support programs and services of Minute Man National Historical Park. For more information or to become a member of FMMNP, call 978-318-7822 or visit www.friendsofminuteman.org.
Piano recital by Rhapsody
Rhapsody will stage its annual piano recital on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 3 p.m. in Bemis Hall. The performance is free and open to the public. Rhapsody was formed in 2003 by amateur pianists who sought a venue in which to perform for each other, both to grow musically and to share their musical journey with others. It has since grown to 18 people from the Boston metropolitan area, and members have met continuously for 13 years. Now an annual event, this will be their seventh public performance on the beautifully restored Steinway at Bemis Hall in Lincoln. The program will feature selections from Bach, Beethoven, Celentano, Chopin, Delej, Dvorak, Gliere, Saint-Saens and Tchaikovsky.
Help out at deCordova Fall Work Day
Bring friends, a water bottle and work gloves to deCordova Fall Work Day on Sunday, Oct. 30 from 2–4 p.m. Pruners and rakes are also helpful (make sure they’re labeled). The Fall Work Day is a fun way to help deCordova get ready for winter with a little help from its friends. Kids who are old enough and inclined to follow directions are welcome, too. All participants will receive a Friends of the Park T-shirt. Meet in front of the deCordova STore; RSVP to rsvp@decordova.org.
Learn about energy efficiency for your house
Interested in learning the ins and outs of home energy efficiency, solar options and financing, or purchasing electricity from renewable sources? Want to know about cost savings, loans and rebates, or share your own experiences? Come to the Residential Energy Workshop at the Pierce House, on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. Experts from the Lincoln Green Energy Committee, Co-op Power, and HomeWorks Energy will provide answers and refreshments. House and condo owners and renters are all welcome. For more information, contact Sue Klem at Susan.M.Klem@gmail.com or go to LincolnEnergyChallenge.org.