To the editor:
It is of the utmost importance that Nancy Marshall be reelected to the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee. I have known and worked with Nancy for more years than I like to remember and have always found her to be sensible, practical, and financially responsible. In addition and maybe more important, she thinks first of the students and the world into which they will be going. She thinks ahead and endeavors to find ways to provide them with the training and skills they will need and ways in which the school system can provide those skills.
Please, make sure to vote and vote to reelect Nancy Marshall.
Note: This letter is being written by me as a private citizen and does not have an endorsement in any way with the Lincoln School Committee, of which I am a member.
Al Schmertzler
142 Chestnut Circle
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic, will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Letters containing personal attacks, errors of fact or other inappropriate material will not be published.