Feb. 7 deadline to donate toiletries Women and children who are in shelters remaking their lives after experiencing domestic violence need toiletries like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, hand and body lotions, and more. If you have unopened toiletries from hotels or stores that you can’t use, please bring them to the Council on Aging at Bemis…
Updated trail map has new navigation aids
By Alice Waugh
Lincolnites can now enjoy the town’s popular public trails using the first new trail map in a decade.
Joint meeting on school renovations set for Feb. 12
Four town-government groups will get together on Wednesday, Feb. 12 to discuss a timeline for planning a renovation project for the Lincoln School. The meeting will begin at 7:3o p.m. in the Smith gym. Members of the the School Committee, Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and Capital Planning Committee will discuss topics including: A recap…
Music notes: three events coming up in Lincoln
Lincoln native Ann Moss at Bemis Hall – Jan. 31 Singer Ann Moss will give a free concert in Bemis Hall on Friday, Jan. 31 in support of her debut album, Currents. For more information, see the January 16 story in the Lincoln Squirrel. Reserve a seat online by clicking here. Choral evensong at St….
Candidates throwing hats in the ring for local election
Lincoln news acorns
Three more days to submit Town Meeting warrant articles The Board of Selectmen will finalize the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting on January 27. Petitions by citizens to insert an article on the warrant for an Annual Town Meeting require 10 signatures. Contact the Office of the Board of Selectmen (781-259-2601) for further information….
Lincolnites invited to ‘Downton Abbey’ at Pierce House
Editor’s note: This article has been updated to correct the faux pas of referring to Lord and Lady Grantham as “Lord and Lady Crawley.” What shocking developments await Lord and Lady Grantham, Edith, Tom, Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Carson, Bates, Anna and the rest? More importantly, where can you go to watch and gossip about the Downton Abbey…
Boston Globe editor among speakers at L-S on Jan. 30
By Alice Waugh Brian McGrory, a Sudbury resident and editor of the Boston Globe will be one of four speakers at the Faye Goldberg-Scheff Memorial Lecture at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School on Thursday, Jan. 30. The event is sponsored by the Foundation for Educators at L-S (FELS), which funds enrichment grants for teachers and staff at L-S….
Lincoln Winter Carnival schedule announced
Here’s the schedule for Lincoln Winter Carnival 2014, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Committee. The three-day event is designed to foster a sense of community in the town of Lincoln, and all events are sponsored by Lincoln-based organizations. Please check event description for age limits, admission fees, pre-registration information, etc.
Squirrel updates
Two updates… Due to an unfathomable technical glitch, a story on leaf blowers that was schedule to post on January 14 has only just now appeared. I’ve updated the story on singer Ann Moss to add information on how you can make a tax-deductible contribution to her tour. …