By Matina Madrick My name is Matina Madrick and I am excited to announce my candidacy for one of the two open seats on the Lincoln School Committee (K-8). My family and I moved to Lincoln in 2020 with our three children. At the height of the pandemic, in the fall of 2020, our daughter…
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Dance party at Bemis Insight Boston, a not-for-profit organization that offers personal growth and development seminars for “teaching practical ways to live from your heart,” will host a rock ‘n roll dance party at Bemis Hall on Saturday, Jan. 28 from 6:30–10 p.m. Graduates of Insight Seminars, their friends and loved ones, and Lincoln residents are…
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Meet Lincoln’s new state reps Come meet Lincoln’s new state Representatives, Carmine Gentile (Precinct 1, west Lincoln) and Alice Peisch (Precinct 2, east Lincoln), on Saturday, Jan. 21 in Bemis Hall. For many years, Rep. Tom Stanley was Lincoln’s representative, but in the recent redistricting, Lincoln was split into two districts along its voting precinct line….
New information has been received since the January 8 publication of “Deadlines coming up to file for local election, citizen’s petitions.” All three seats on the Water Commission are open rather than two, as incumbent Steve Gladstone was appointed to fill a vacancy. Also, there are two seats open on the Housing Commission rather than…
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Soup-making class at the library Happy Jars, will lead a cooking class for children aged 10 and up to teach basic cooking skills and simple, nutritious soup recipes at the Lincoln Public Library on Wednesday, Jan. 11. Sign up for one of two sessions: 2–3 p.m. or 3:30–4:30 p.m. Space is limited; register by emailing Please indicate which…
It’s not too late – give the gift of a Squirrel!
Here are two great gift ideas for those on your last-minute list (or even yourself!): “The Lincoln Squirrel: The First Ten Years,” a colorful 14-page PDF with headlines and photos from the first decade of Lincoln’s online newspaper — and each headline and photo is linked to its source on the Squirrel website. If you’re…
The sales price of a parcel listed in the December 20 post titled “Property sales in November 2022” was listed incorrectly. The correct price or 319 South Great Road was $1,105,000. The original post has been updated….
Property sales in November 2022
241 Aspen Circle — Maureen Harmonay to Vitaly Huruev for $795,000 (November 30) 68 Winter St. — Mary Lou P. Gauvin Trust to Yi Luo and Qing Gao for $1,220,000 (November 28) 8 Linway Rd. — Christopher Fasciano to Corey and Nicole Ciullo for $1,475,000 (November 18) 319 South Great Rd. — Jeanne Benton to…
Police log for Dec. 2-12, 2022
December 2 Lincoln North Office Building (2:10 a.m.) — Officer checked on a vehicle parked and running in the lot of the office building. The car was occupied by a security officer. December 3 South Great Road (2:15 p.m.) — Caller reported receiving an email which they thought is a scam. December 4 Ballfield Road…
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Cloth napkin sale to benefit SSEF Come to 10 Meadowdam Rd. in Lincoln on Friday, Dec. 16 from 10 a.m.–noon to purchase beautiful cloth napkins and meet Omnia and William, South Sudanese Americans who are part of the South Sudanese Enrichment for Families’ sewing project. All proceeds go to SSEF’s Women’s Program. L-S Cabaret Concert…