Rep. Carmine Gentile
State Rep. Carmine (13th Middlesex) held a meet-and-green session for Lincoln residents on Saturday, Jan. 21 where be voiced support for free public higher education in Massachusetts, more psychiatric hospital beds for children, and a measure authorizing pharmacists to provide opioid use disorder treatment. Among the other 39 bills filed by Gentile at the start of the current legislative session last week were acts authorizing the town of Lincoln to establish a means-tested senior citizen property tax exemption program and to establish a fee for checkout bags. Lincoln voted to seek approval for the property tax program at Town Meeting in 2021.
Gentile will hold virtual office hours for constituents (which include residents of southwestern Lincoln in Precinct 1) on Friday, Jan. 27. Meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams video call from 10 a.m.–noon. Any constituent who wishes to speak to him may sign up for a 20-minute time slot by emailing his legislative aide, Ravi Simon (a Lincoln resident), at ravi.simon@mahouse.gov. Constituents signing up for a meeting must provide their full name, address, phone number, email, and their discussion topic.