By Jonathan Dwyer
I write to announce that I will not be seeking reelection to the Select Board before my term expires in March.
After serving on the board for the past six years, twice as chair, I am ready to step back and make space for others to participate in town leadership. The experience was wonderful, and my “J-Board” colleagues James Craig, Jennifer Glass, and Jim Hutchinson were a joy to work with and learn from.
Getting to know staff, the regulatory complexities and services they uphold, and their responsiveness to ever-changing town needs was a privilege. In particular, I enjoyed working on North Lincoln issues such as the Route 2A repaving project that kept me in regular contact with residents, MassDOT, Minute Man National Historical Park, Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School, and adjacent towns’ Select Board members through the Hanscom Area Towns Committee.
The Capital Planning Committee, community center committees, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) and Roadway and Traffic Committee (RTC) have all provided additional opportunities for me to work with talented staff and volunteers to plan, advise, fund, decide, and implement many town infrastructure projects. The collaboration among BPAC and RTC is exceptional, in my opinion. Whether we were discussing changes to an intersection, edge lanes for pedestrian and cyclist safety, curb materials and reveals, a new roadside path at Codman Farm, or the trail-path network and Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, it would be difficult to tell who was on which committee without roll-call voting.
Moreover, our town’s resident-government partnership, built on trust and common values, is remarkable, and is a key element of Lincoln’s character. Today’s issues are multifaceted and lack easy answers, but the town continues to be in a good state to address them.
I thank all of you for voting me onto this board twice, and thank my wife and daughters for giving me time to serve you. If you haven’t had an opportunity to volunteer on a town board or committee, go for it. It’s important, and a terrific experience.
Jonathan Dwyer
Beaver Pond Road
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