The Agricultural Commission is offering funding to Lincoln growers who can supply fresh produce for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Lincoln and Weston (SVdP) food pantry.
The commission is offering a limited number of grants ranging from several hundred dollars to over $1,000 to qualified Lincoln growers. Grant recipients in the Farm to Food Pantry Program must deliver (or have their products ready for pickup) to the Lincoln food pantry early on at least one day on Wednesday morning, or the Tuesday preceding for nonperishable items.
Applications are due by Monday, June 27. If you would like to participate, contact Ari Kurtz at Specify the type of crops you wish to grow, quantities, and expected delivery dates.
The food pantry also recently received $3,000 as part of the Sudbury Foundation’s 2022 round of grants to 31 area nonprofits totaling $374,595. Another grant recipient: the Lincoln-based Food Project, which received $15,000 to redesign its website.
Summer is particularly challenging for food-insecure families with children at home. The food pantry especially welcome donations of Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios (which are versatile since they’re gluten-free) and salad dressings of all kinds, including oil and vinegar, since they can source the necessary produce. Other items that are always in demand: canned solid white tuna in water, Chocolate Ensure, and pasta sauce.
The food pantry serves neighbors who live, work, or attend school in Lincoln or Weston and are in need of food or emergency assistance, regardless of their religious affiliation or background. It’s located behind St. Joseph Church at 142 Lincoln Rd. in Lincoln.