Editor’s note: Jim Hutchinson was elected to a three-year term on the Water Commission in 2021. He is stepping down early to run for the Select Board.
Dear Lincolnites,
I am writing today to announce my intention to run again for Water Commissioner and ask for your vote at the town election on Monday, March 28. I will run for the two years remaining on Jim Hutchinson’s seat rather than the three-year seat that will also be open.
Jim brought an impressive knowledge of municipal finances that greatly benefitted the commission. We are sad to see him go, but we are committed to using his ideas to improve Water Department operation and long term planning.
In 2020 I was elected to a two-year seat, and I did not expect to run again. I have been finding, however, that the knowledge I have gained during the last 11 years on the commission has been very useful to the new superintendent. Also, with Jim stepping down early, we will have a new commissioner to integrate into the board. I believe my presence will provide the continuity and institutional knowledge needed as we reshape the commission.
During these next two years I will focus on completing the water treatment facilities upgrade we launched four years ago, taking advantage of the ARPA funds available to update our aging water delivery systems, and developing a long-term funding structure that will be both fair and fiscally responsible. Above all, I am committed to ensuring the delivery of abundant, safe drinking water to all of our customers.
I truly enjoy working on the Water Commission and I am committed to help in preserving this important natural resource for the benefit of the town. I hope the voters will give me another opportunity to serve the town I love so well.
Ruth Ann Hendrickson
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