(Editor’s note: Hogue will compete for the open seat on the Select Board with Jim Hutchinson, who declared his candidacy earlier this month.)
Dear Lincoln community,
I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the open seat on the Board of Selects. I want to start by thanking James Craig for his years of service to the town.
Since moving to Lincoln nine years ago, I have been a very active member of our community. I have enjoyed helping to plan our Veterans Day events and our Fourth of July run, along with my involvement in other town events. I have also been a member of the School Committee for the last few years and serve on the Capital Planning Committee.
I want to serve on the Select Board because I want to bring positive change to Lincoln along with new ideas. While serving on our town committees, I have learned that we need fresh ideas to make our town even better while being fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of our town.
I look forward to a great campaign and meeting everyone on the campaign trail. I hope I can earn your vote!
Adam M. Hogue
50 Lincoln Rd.
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