By Ken Hurd
Although Buzz Constable’s email on LincolnTalk may strike many as a little harsh, he has captured the frustration of many people, including my own at times. My own experience is unique, having served on the Planning Board from 2002 until 2012, and then after my term had ended, having sat across the table as an applicant in front of the Planning Board from 2014 through 2016 as I helped the First Parish Church secure permitting for the Stearns Room addition.
In my opinion, what Ken Bassett and Mary Helen Lorenz describe in their recent letter to the Lincoln Squirrel is accurate. Both projects were significant improvements to their previous iterations despite the objections of a relatively small number of vocal opponents.
To this end, I believe good planning requires vision as well as sensitivity to those affected by change. I also think Allen Vander Meulen in his letter to the Lincoln Squirrel highlighted the key issue at stake; namely “how to resolve the conundrum of approval for large-scale projects in the Lincoln Station area.”
With this in mind, it is my strong opinion that re-electing Rick Rundell and Lynn DeLisi will be in the best overall interests of the town. I would much prefer to have people in public office who are willing to guide and address with an open mind the inevitable changes that Lincoln will continue to face.
If you haven’t voted yet, I urge you to join me in voting for Rick Rundell and Lynn DeLisi as the best candidates for the job.
Ken Hurd
21 Lexington Rd., Lincoln
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