To the editor:
Today I handed in my nomination papers for reelection to the position of Town Moderator. I feel honored to have served in that position for six years and look forward to serving for another term.
I have learned a great deal about running our Town Meeting, but I know that with each meeting, there is more to learn. I strive to ensure that our meetings are respectful at that same time that the issues are fully and robustly debated. The feedback from residents has been helpful and worthy of reflection and consideration.
As Moderator, I have also enjoyed working for six years with Lincoln eighth-graders in an effort to introduce them to direct democracy through the process of gathering signatures of registered voters and submitting a citizens’ petition to Town Meeting.
I ask for your support at the local election on Monday, March 30. And I look forward to seeing everyone at our annual Town Meeting on Saturday, March 28.
Sarah Cannon Holden
Weston Road