To the editor:
I enthusiastically support Ellen Joachim as a write-in candidate for the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee.
As members of the Sudbury School Committee, Ellen and I worked together for three years. I have never met somebody with such an amazing balance of intelligence, passion, work ethic, and patience as Ellen. Unless you worked directly with Ellen, you would never know all the great work she was doing because she never wanted to be recognized for it. Ellen just wanted what was best for others and, most importantly, Sudbury’s students. She never thought about what others would think or how the public would react; Ellen always did what she knew in her heart was the right decision for kids.
As some may know, Ellen has a law degree from Harvard and was an attorney before she left the profession to raise a family. Having known this, I would always joke with her that she really should have become a teacher because of her deep passion for education. After getting to really know Ellen over the years, there is no doubt in my mind that she felt the same way, which is why she committed her life to serving six years on the Sudbury School Committee and numerous years as a volunteer at Nixon Elementary, and why she is now seeking election to the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee.
As a parent whose oldest daughter is less than four years away from high school, I care deeply about those whom we elect to represent our high school. That being said, there is not one person in Sudbury I would rather see on the school committee than Ellen. Not only is she more than qualified but also has the previous experience to start getting things done on day one. In an ever-changing world, not just in respect to education but also safety, this immediate experience is invaluable. As Ellen outlined during the recent candidates’ night, we cannot afford to mull over student safety; we need to act now. I can tell you from three years of experience that this is how Ellen governs. To be frank, Ellen never kicks the can down the road; she deals with things head on and gets them done.
Please join me on Monday, March 26 by writing in Ellen Joachim for Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee.
Scott Nassa
36 Clark Lane, Sudbury
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