To the editor:
Citizens in Lincoln and throughout the nation are working to restore regulation of campaign financing. The petitions seek to overturn the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 588 U.S. (2010) that invalidated bi-partisan rules on political advertising, based on the Court’s holding that corporations have a constitutional right to freedom of speech.
In 2012 Lincoln voted to support a bill filed by Mass. Rep. Jim McGovern proposing that the U.S. Constitution be amended to provide that corporations are not “people.” It stated that Constitutional rights are the rights of human beings only, and campaign contributions and expenditures may be regulated. In 2015 Lincoln again voted on this issue, calling for a Constitutional Convention and directing Congress and the states to place limits on political contributions and expenditures. These resolutions were approved in cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth and in many other states.
Citizens across Massachusetts and the nation are now trying to move forward with a 2018 ballot measure. This initiative petition would create citizens’ commissions in Massachusetts and other states to consider and recommend potential amendments to the U.S. Constitution to establish that corporations do not have the same Constitutional rights as human beings and that contributions and expenditures may be regulated.
It is not easy to amend the Constitution, and it can take many years of determined work. Massive and unregulated spending by our wealthiest citizens and corporations, including foreign corporations, threatens the integrity of our democracy. It is not a partisan issue. This amendment is supported by overwhelming majorities of Republican, Democrat and independent voters all across the nation.
Volunteers will be seeking Lincoln voter signatures in Lincoln Station on October 30 and November 7, and at the State of the Town Meeting on November 4.
Peter Pease
40 Huckleberry Hill
Gary Davis
20R Indian Camp Lane
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