To the editor:
This is to let you know that I have submitted my nomination papers to run for another term as Town Moderator. More than ever, I value our good fortune to be able to participate in direct democracy. We should never take it for granted. I have greatly enjoyed serving as moderator over the past six years. There have been some contentious meetings, but I do believe that overall we all do a pretty good job of listening, speaking and showing proper respect for each other.
I have done what I can to keep us on track so that the meetings run as smoothly as possible. Several of you have made suggestions for me to consider as I try to run the meeting as openly and efficiently as possible. I appreciate the feedback that you have given.
A group of people is working now to come up with suggestions for some changes to the Town Meeting structure and voting. As with any other suggestions over the years, I will consider the group’s recommendations when they come.
I look forward to serving for another three years and ask for your vote on Monday, March 27. I also look forward to seeing you at Town Meeting on Saturday, March 25.
Sarah Cannon Holden
Weston Rd.
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