(Editor’s note: Wilkerson is a member of the Lincoln Leaf Blower Study Committee, which has an official town web page and a Facebook page.)
To the editor:
Have you recently moved to Lincoln? Did peace and quiet figure prominently in your decision to live here? If so, I can imagine your surprise to find, at least during this season, that Lincoln is peaceful enough, but sadly, not all that quiet.
A beautiful October day: I have been outside working in my garden for the last three hours, and I suspect there are construction zones in downtown Boston that are quieter. There is a virtual chorus of leaf blowers echoes across the landscape—from near and far. And here’s the interesting detail: at this date, only a very few leaves have fallen off the trees—in fact, most of them have yet to change color. This is just the beginning.
Please consider quieter landscape practices. I understand that a lot of people love their leaf blowers, but my sense is that I am not alone in wishing these machines could be used more sparingly. If you share that view, I encourage you to make your own voice heard—above the din.
Robin Wilkerson
31 Old Winter St.
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