Editor’s note: This is an abridged version of a letter that McFall sent to Lincoln School faculty last week.
To the editor:
There’s a lot happening on the facilities front in the Lincoln Public Schools district this year.
Hanscom Middle School is on schedule to move into the newly constructed building over the April vacation week. This will require a calendar adjustment to ensure adequate time for the move, and we’ll be communicating these changes and soliciting input from the Hanscom community shortly. Also, Hanscom Primary School will be packing up for their move into the temporary school at the end of this school year, and demolition of the old building will begin over the summer. The new Hanscom Primary School is scheduled to open in spring 2018. We’re looking forward to the 2018–2019 school year when all of our Hanscom students, faculty, and staff occupy their new schools.
On the Lincoln campus, work continues with the community to ensure that best-effort planning takes place to meet the needs of the town of Lincoln and use of the Ballfield Road campus. Last spring, Town Meeting voted to appropriate funds for a Lincoln School feasibility study should the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) invite Lincoln into the MSBA process. Over the summer, Lincoln school and town government representatives met with MSBA officials and outlined the work that’s been done by the School Building Advisory Committees over the last three years to bring the town to consensus on addressing the needs of the Lincoln School.
At the moment we’re waiting to hear from the MSBA regarding acceptance of our Statement of Interest application, and we are not likely to get a formal response to our application until January 2016.
Meanwhile, the Campus Master Planning Committee (CMPC) and Lerner Ladds Bartels (LLB) Architects have been studying the basic infrastructure and physical layout of the Ballfield Road campus to inform the planning for the contemplated school building and community center projects.
On Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Reed Gym (Brooks), the CMPC and LLB Architects will host a public forum to share their current findings and solicit input from the community. As high-level users of the school and campus, I strongly encourage faculty, staff, and parents of the Lincoln School community to attend this public forum and participate in the discussion. It’s important that your voices are included in the process that will inform the outcomes for this campus.
We know that the number one factor in a child’s education is the quality of their teachers. However, it’s also understood that the learning environment contributes significantly to a child’s ability and desire to attend to learning. As such, it’s essential that while we as educators continue to learn and grow in our professional practice, we also work to improve the educational environment to maximize learning.
Becky McFall
Lincoln Superintendent of Schools
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