New Sunday evening service—St. Anne’s in-the-Fields Episcopal Church (147 Concord Road, Lincoln) will begin a new Sunday evening service at 5 p.m. on September 27. Everyone is invited to join this weekly worship service for a time of contemplation and communion before beginning the new week. Services will vary, with some featuring music and others grounded in silence and guided meditation. Others may have healing prayer, Holy Eucharist, or traditional Evensong with the parish choir or guest leaders from outside the parish.
Blessing of the animals—All creatures have a place at St. Anne’s on Sunday, Oct. 4 when humans and animals come together to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis, patron saint of all creatures. The church will celebrate Blessing of the Animals at both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services. Live animals are welcome on leashes or in carriers; stuffed animals and photos are welcome, too.
Climate Justice Ministry book signing—St. Anne’s invites the public to the church’s Flint Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. when St. Anne’s and the Thoreau Society will be co-hosting a book signing and celebration for Wen Stephenson’s soon-to-be-published book, What We are Fighting for Now is Each Other: Dispatches from the Font Lines of Climate Justice.
All are welcome at St. Anne’s. For more information of any of these events, visit or call 781-259-8834.