To the editor:
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the voters in Lincoln and Sudbury who supported my reelection to the Lincoln-Sudbury School Committee for a third term.
Thank you in particular to those who hosted and kept an eye on my campaign signs in their yard through the weeks of melting snow and wind, to those who wrote thoughtful and gracious letters to each town’s papers on my behalf, and to the brave souls who held signs for me at the polls, who weathered late March snow and wind and kept their humor.
We have a lot of work to continue, a great administration that deserves our attention and support, and students who are able to avail themselves of an incredibly rich educational and personal growth opportunity at Lincoln-Sudbury. Growing the relationships between our towns and our town officials has been a hallmark of our work over the past three years. Continuing that growth is critical. I look forward to facilitating increased opportunities for our towns to better know our excellent high school and each other. I am excited to continue my work with colleagues on the Committee whom I deeply respect and enjoy.
Nancy Marshall
Beaver Pond Road
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic, will be edited for punctuation, spelling, style, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor. Letters containing personal attacks, errors of fact or other inappropriate material will not be published.