Greater Boston Move To Amend is sponsoring a workshop in Lincoln, “Fixing Our Broken Democracy, the Need for a Constitutional Amendment,” on Saturday, March 21 in Bemis Hall. There will be a reception from 9–9:30 a.m. and the program will run from 9:30–11 a.m.
The workshop will describe the bill and its background as part of a national initiative to overturn the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission. It takes place a week before Town Meeting, when Warrant Article 44 will ask Lincoln residents whether they support the We the People Act (Massachusetts Bill HD3127), which calls for a U.S. Constitutional Amendment and Amendments Convention. The proposed constitutional amendment will state that a) U. S. Constitutional rights are the rights of natural persons, i.e. human individuals, only, and b) Congress and the states shall place limits on political contributions and expenditures to ensure that all citizens have access to the political process, and recognize that the spending of money to influence elections is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
For more information on the workshop, contact Gary Davis at (781) 259-0318 or