Here are some photos and captions by Alaric Naiman, who edits an online journal about the Farrar Pond area at with pictures, maps, history and geography of the pond and its environs. Click on one of the small images below to see a larger version as well as the entire slideshow.
“There’s no meditation more enriching than just being (or looking) outdoors, in stillness and presence, with intention but no expectation,” said Naiman, who collects natural views of plants and animals in much the same way that fellow Lincoln resident Norman Levey does with videos on his own website (see the Lincoln Squirrel, October 5, 2014).
The Farrar Pond blog has dual purposes of inviting community around a shared delight for place and encouraging deeper engagement with the nature of that place, Naiman said. “The hope is that more people will look at what’s right in front of them in a slightly different way, and thereby exalt their relationship with our environment… and the dramas are playing out every place in Lincoln,” regardless of whether one might have deep forest, open field or a pond in view, he said.
All are invited to submit photos, tales, reflections or useful information by clicking on the “Participate” link.
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