The Planning Board thanks the town for approving three important zoning amendments on this year’s Town Meeting warrant:
- Article 32 relaxes the limits on building height in the Lincoln Station area. The new limits are 36’ and 2 ½ stories, identical to the existing limits on residential construction in the R1 residential district. The increase should facilitate attractive, viable development in the Lincoln Station area.
- Article 35 adopts a new requirement for site plan review when building permits are requested for projects that will generate more than 50 vehicle trips per day. This provision will close a significant gap in our bylaw that has allowed nonresidential projects to locate in residential neighborhoods without adequate review and control.
- Article 36 remedies an incorrectly drafted provision in the zoning bylaw dating back to 2003. The provision has allowed, without site plan review, new construction on lots that had preexisting structures, in situations where the new construction was not attached to any of the preexisting structures. This loophole is now closed.
We will continue to monitor the operation of our zoning bylaw, with your guidance, to ensure that it protects and enhances our beautiful town.
Bryce Wolf, Lincoln Planning Board chair
52 Birchwood Lane
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