To the Editor:
I am pleased to support Peter Braun for reelection as Selectman. I have known Peter for close to 30 years, as parents on various sport sidelines, as co-members of a number of committees including the Community Preservation Committee, and as a good friend.
As a Selectman for the past three years, he has thoughtfully and conscientiously involved himself in a number of major projects, including helping to manage the impacts of the Route 2 project and support and enhance the efforts of the state, our representatives in Washington, and other local officials to preserve the Hanscom Air Force Base. Peter uses his analytical as well as his diplomatic skills to understand issues and work productively with people.
We in Lincoln are fortunate to have a terrific threesome as Selectmen at this time. They well work together to solve problems. They are efficient and effective in accomplishing the complex duties involved in running the town. Peter is a vital member of this team. His willingness to be deeply involved in a number of issues crucial to the town makes him an essential Selectman for the next three years.
Please vote on March 31 (the Monday after Town Meeting) and please vote for Peter Braun.
Peter Von Mertens
16 Tower Road
To the Editor:
Our neighbor and friend Peter Braun is running for reelection as Selectman for the town of Lincoln. We are fortunate as a town to have such a perceptive, intelligent and capable person to represent us on the Board of Selectmen. Peter has expertise in legal and financial matters and he is dedicated, hard-working, and experienced. We hope you will join us in supporting his candidacy for reelection.
Diana and Colin Smith
8 Trapelo Rd.
Susan Hall Mygatt
37 Old Concord Rd.
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic. They may be edited for length, grammar/punctuation, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor.