To the editor:
Minuteman High School, which provides career and technical education to Lincoln students, has proposed a revised regional agreement as a warrant article for the March 29 town meeting at the Brooks Auditorium. For this new regional agreement to come into effect, it must be approved by a majority at the town meetings of every member town. It is important that stakeholders such as yourselves be aware and informed about the new Agreement so that you and your community can make informed decisions about it. To that end, informational material about the new agreement can be found here along with a seven-minute video explaining the agreement.
Minuteman is a vital resource to the community. Providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum that prepares students for both college and careers is only the first part of our role in Lincoln. We provide education for post-graduate students who seek additional training in order to achieve career readiness. We offer community education programs that enrich the lives of the young and old with new learning opportunities. Our students are involved in community projects across our district. Our restaurant and other service-oriented shops welcome visitors for excellent and affordable service.
In order to continue offering this excellent education and these other services, Minuteman must adapt. One way that we are attempting to achieve this change is by amending the current regional agreement, which will allow the district to move on from a regional agreement that no longer serves the best interests of our students. In brief, the revised agreement makes the following changes:
- Annual assessments based on a four-year rolling average.
- Capital cost allocation formula incorporates ability to pay along with a four-year rolling average of enrollment.
- Minuteman School Committee voting will be weighted, with 50 percent of a member’s vote based on a four-year rolling average.
- Minuteman School Committee can negotiate a transition period with potential new member communities.
- Members may withdraw unless disapproved by a majority of remaining member town meetings.
- Contributions to capital costs by non-members are applied to reduce capital assessments to members.
- Authorization for new debt must first be pursued through the unanimous approval of member town meetings before proceeding to a district-wide election.
- Amendments to the regional agreement may be initiated by a 3/4 vote of the School Committee.
These changes are the result of years of work by the administration of Minuteman High School, the Minuteman School Committee, subcommittees and task forces made up of local stakeholders, and local government representatives. The revised agreement reflects the input of every member community and represents a hard-earned compromise between these communities.
The article will be heard at Lincoln Town Meeting, which begins at 9:30 a.m. on March 29 at the Brooks Auditorium. Please take some time to review the linked materials or watch the video and express your opinion at town meeting this Saturday.
Edward Bouquillon, Minuteman High School Superintendent-Director
10 Mill St., Lincoln
Brendan Dutch, Minuteman High School Communications Coordinator
Plymouth, Mass.
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