Editor’s note: The headline on this letter was corrected on March 25.
To the editor:
I have attended the forums, spoken with the candidates and other voters, and facilitated a policy discussion between Selectman candidates about Hanscom AFB and Hanscom Civil Airfield with some of us who are Hanscom abutters. Based on those conversations, I was able to come to a conclusion about my personal choice in the race for Board of Selectmen.
While I admire Mr. Cannistraro’s general observations that focus on citizen empathy and strategic planning, Mr. Braun illustrated a depth of knowledge, understanding and experience that he brings to both aspects of Hanscom issues. I now find that I agree with those who have previously submitted letters in support of Peter Braun for reelection to the Board of Selectmen.
Particularly, as an abutter of Hanscom Civil Airfield and Hanscom AFB, it is important to me that our town leadership completely understand the history of positions and policies taken over time by the wide range of public and private entities who play roles in this continuing drama. They must be able to provide enlightened continuity.
Mr. Braun also understands that building relationships and working together with neighboring HATS [Hanscom Area Town Selectmen] communities is our best means of achieving our mutual goals. In this, he has participated regularly in Hanscom related committees and boards almost always out of the spotlight.
Community support is one of the primary criteria used by the Air Force to make decisions relative to base evaluation. HATS, through Mr. Braun, provided that support in his participation with the Hanscom tour and mission briefing with General Mark Welsh, Air Force Chief of Staff last November and more recently with new Congresswoman Katherine Clark.
The Lincoln Conservation Commission is currently reviewing a proposed expansion of facilities at Hanscom Civil Airfield which is operated by Massport. Mr. Braun understands that the town has a limited responsibility in this particular review to conservation issues. However, he clearly understands the debate that has been raging for several years over long-term protection of surrounding historic and environmental assets, air and noise pollution, and the incremental growth this current expansion represents.
Based on his valuable knowledge, experience and understanding of town and Hanscom issues, I encourage Lincoln citizens to vote for Peter Braun on March 31.
Gary Davis
20R Indian Camp Lane, Battle Road Farm
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