To the editor:
I am writing in support of the re-election of Peter Braun for Selectman. When choosing a town officer, politically based relationships and bonds of friendship are certainly the starting point from which a voter determines which candidate to support. These are followed by knowledge of a candidate’s character, experience and accomplishments, along with his ability to work effectively with others.
The tree cutting issue associated with the Route 2 project is being misconstrued in this election in an attempt to diminish the importance of the letters of support which Selectman Braun has received from friends, neighbors and committee members who endorse his re-election.
An accurate account of the Route 2 project has been clearly presented by Dan Boynton in his letter of support for Peter. This project has spanned many decades, providing excellent opportunities for abutters to present their concerns to the town and to be heard. Peter Braun and Town Administrator Tim Higgins continue to work together with the abutters and the MassDOT, ensuring the best possible outcome for residents and commuters alike.
There are reasons why Peter Braun’s friends and committee members applaud his work and support his re-election. His dedication, attention to detail and capable leadership have been proven effective on the Route 2 project, as well as many other complex issues.
Peter Braun is a vital member of our team of town volunteers. He works diligently to provide us with the best representation possible while maintaining a steady, calm demeanor and ready wit. Please join me in supporting his re-election on March 31.
Gay Anderson
42 Todd Pond Rd.
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