Please know that I, and many others in town, completely admire (or we should!) the hard work that ALL of the town volunteers do day in and day out, and year after year. I do understand though, that these dedicated people can often feel underappreciated and not supported, and this is a very unfortunate thing. Also, I understand that experience is certainly valuable—especially when needed most. Towards this end, here’s one thing that I respectfully ask people to reflect upon:
It appears as if many of the biggest concerns of the town (Route 2, Council on Aging, schools, community center) in the near to mid-future are directly construction-related. Perhaps the town could benefit from an experienced hand and a capable leader in this area to help guide a collaborative, thoughtful process.
I may have mentioned that I have over 25 years in extremely complex construction projects, often working directly with the highest levels within countless state, public, and private entities and corporations. I have extensive knowledge and leadership experience in all phases of the construction process including contract review and negotiation, budgeting and cost control, design and scheduling, quality control and contract conflict resolution. My past projects include work in virtually every academic institution in the Boston area, numerous public school projects, community and student centers, mixed use, and affordable housing. But of all the projects that I’ve been involved with over my career, my favorite remains the Boston Convention Center, because not only was it a high-profile, challenging project, but to me, it also continues to symbolize bringing people together to share different perspectives.
Lincoln residents, I appreciate your consideration in this upcoming election. I believe my vast experience in this area can help Lincoln bring a new perspective to its town leadership, and help successfully navigate these challenges.
Vin Cannistraro
15 Deer Run Road
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