Received March 15
(Editor’s note: This letter was sent to the editor but is addressed to the Lincoln community.)
To the editor:
My name is Vin Cannistraro, and I am running for Selectman. Here is a quick summary of what I see as areas of concern for the town:
Better process — Let’s leverage the talents and creativity of our residents by encouraging more genuine inclusion and collaboration to identify and solve issues. We should strive for a broader, more diverse range of volunteers, and utilize advisory subcommittees for a defined task with a more modest time commitment.
Fiscal prudence — We need to ensure that, with every dollar we spend, we are creating as much value for the town as possible. More attention needs to be given to the totality of issues on the horizon. Just as we have collaboratively developed long-range plans for land and housing, we need to develop a long-rang plan now for capital expenditures.
Housing values in Lincoln have declined considerably over the past decade, while those of our neighbors have fared much better by comparison. We should explore any underlying reason(s) for this, and discuss how we can improve.
Route 2 — the biggest conservation tragedy to befall Lincoln in over 50 years. What’s more heart-wrenching is that, although many thoughtful people worked tirelessly to develop clear protocol for selective removal of mature trees within the construction zone, this was not followed and the chainsaws ran wild. Town leadership failed us all when we needed them most. We need to make this right.
School building — We all care deeply about our children’s education, and know that something needs to be done. Let’s work together now in an open, honest and thoughtful manner. No matter what Project goes forward, Lincoln deserves 80% voter approval – then we know we did the right thing.
Council on Aging — We’ve paid for two studies already; now it’s time to act thoughtfully. Work with and support the COA as they develop and present detailed, long-term options to the town. In the meantime, spend a very modest sum now to address legitimate privacy/dignity and safety concerns at Bemis Hall.
The two Hanscoms — The base is a good neighbor, and we need to do all we can to ensure its viability. However, we need a well-crafted contingency plan for a variety of scenarios for potential change. Also, unmitigated growth at the airport represents a significant threat, and we should be diligent in fighting this at every step.
I may be reached by phone (781-259-1726) or email ( to answer your questions.
The election is March 31, and I ask for your vote. Thank you.
Vincent Cannistraro
15 Deer Run Rd.
Letters to the editor must be signed with the writer’s name and street address and sent via email to Letters must be about a Lincoln-specific topic. They may be edited for length, grammar/punctuation, etc., and will be published at the discretion of the editor.