The annual Town Election is next Monday, March 31. Please vote! This is our opportunity to elect town officials. We will also vote on the two liquor license petitions that were approved at last year’s Town Meeting (deCordova license and one-day licenses).
Thank you to my supporters who held events at their home to enable me to interact with fellow residents about current town issues. One of the biggest challenges for a Selectman is to have as comprehensive an understanding as possible of residents’ concerns. I am also grateful to those who arranged forums at the Smith Gym, The Commons in Lincoln, the Rural Land Foundation office, and the school’s story room (PTO), as well as a community discussion at the Battle Road Farm Meeting House.
Thanks also to those who have written supportive letters and/or provided me with valuable advice. And a special thanks to Dan Boynton for his sage advice and thoughtful input to the dialogue regarding Route 2.
I would appreciate your support at the election. I would be honored to serve as Selectman for a second term. I am seeking to continue to give back to my community of 54 years by volunteering my experience, full-time commitment, and appreciation of the town’s values.
Peter Braun
16 Trapelo Road
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