Girl Scouts offer babysitting, food for Town Meeting attendees
The 7th-grade Girl Scouts are offering babysitting at the LEAP pod during Town Meeting on Saturday, March 19. Suggested donations are $25, as this is a fundraiser for the girls working towards a service trip. Please RSVP to or 954-471-1357 by Friday, March 18. All proceeds go to the troop. Also, stop by the 2nd-grade brownie table for freshly brewed coffee, snacks and baked goods beginning at 9 a.m., and grab a boxed lunch prepared by the 6th-grade junior Girl Scouts for only $10.
Learn about green energy
Looking for information on a home energy assessment, solar panels on your roof, or buying more of your electricity from renewable sources? Come to the Brooks auditorium lobby at Town Meeting and find members of Lincoln’s Green Energy Committee and Next Step Living on Saturday, March 19. Sign up any time for an energy assessment at or visit the Lincoln Green Energy Committee web page for more information.
Town election ballot
The town election will be on Monday, March 28 from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Smith gym (click on image to enlarge).