~ Next submission deadline: April 4, 2025 ~
Here’s what the Lincoln Review is looking for:
- Original artwork — drawings, paintings, or photos of 3-D work such as sculpture, textiles, etc.
- Photographs
- Short fiction
- Poems
- Humor and satire
- First-person essays on almost any topic — a compelling memory, a recent trip, a person or animal you’ve known, your predictions for the coming year, etc.
- Nonfiction feature pieces about Lincoln history, nature, farms, architecture, profiles of people, etc.
If you have something else in mind that doesn’t fall into one of these categories, just let us know. You can address questions and send items via email to lincolnmareview@gmail.com or lincolnsquirrelnews@gmail.com, or call publisher Alice Waugh at 617-710-5542.
Submissions must be entirely your own work. If you need to give partial credit to another person, organization or website, please include specific information.
Deadlines and article length
We’ll post notices in the Squirrel about publication dates and deadline for upcoming issues.
As a general rule, prose pieces should be no more than 1,000 words. If you want to write much longer than that, please clear it first with Barbara Rhines (lincolnmareview@gmail.com). We’re also open to breaking up long pieces into segments and publishing them in successive issues.
Print pieces can be sent in the body of an email or as an attached Word file, PDF, or shared Google Doc (no paper submissions, please). Submissions may include embedded links to other web pages. This is quite easy and we can explain how to do this if you need help. You can also embed images within print pieces (see “To the Rescue!” in the Lincoln Chipmunk). Please send the images separately and explain where within the text they should appear. They must be your own work or public-domain images.
Images should be high-resolution digital files (JPG works best) sent as email attachments. Scanned artwork and photos are fine. Please include the title, when the work was created, and if desired, a brief explanation of how it was created — for example, the media used, or where and when it was created and under what circumstances.
Who can submit?
- Submissions must be original work by Lincoln residents or their family members, town employees, or others with a direct connection to the town. Submitted work must include the contributor’s name and email address. Anonymous items will not be published.
- Each contributor is limited to one piece in each issue of the Lincoln Review. You’re welcome to submit more than that; the editor will then choose which ones to publish.
- If possible, please include one to two sentences of biography. This might relate to your artistic background or vision, your “day job,” and/or a link to a website with more of your work.
- Submissions must not have appeared in another publication. They must also be reasonably recent so we don’t wind up publishing things that people created years ago for another purpose.
- All submissions are subject to selection and editing, and publication is not guaranteed. If more than simply fixing spelling/grammar/punctuation seems necessary, we will contact you to discuss more extensive revisions.