By Lynne Smith
At the CCBC regular meeting on April 12, Mark McKevitz, ICON Architecture project manager, listed the topics raised at the April 4 community forum. The list was daunting and it was good to know that residents’ concerns were heard. I congratulate the CCBC for announcing that more community forums will occur in April, May, and June. This is a brave move in our famously opinionated town! While misunderstandings sometimes arise, the forums create an opportunity for our voices to be heard on this important topic — one that will affect our community and our tax bill for years to come.
Ned Collier, ICON lead architect, said they would release the results of the recent CCBC survey at the April 25 community meeting. CCBC Chair Sarah Chester said they would also provide the programming matrix many of us have been asking for — specifically, I am interested in a list of programs that must be housed in a community center and cannot be housed in existing spaces. (Editor’s note: The CCBC website includes a Draft Programming Matrix listing space wants and needs for various uses, as well as a Decentralized Programming Matrix showing where various programs are currently held.)
Hartwell campus — At the April 12 meeting, Collier spent over an hour describing the Hartwell campus space using mapping overlays to show the perennial stream, gradations of land, impermeable paving, traffic patterns, and the footprint of the existing buildings, (the pods). ICON will refine this preliminary analysis in the next two months in order to generate cost estimates of site preparation for a new or renovated building.
The pods are heavily used for after-school programs and adult fitness classes. These Parks & Recreation Department programs will need to continue at Hartwell. The challenge is how to include the Council on Aging & Human Services into the space. It seems clear that a new or renovated building is needed. What is not clear is how big a structure is required and how the increased traffic flow and complexity will be resolved. A serious traffic analysis is needed to accommodate seniors and children arriving at similar times.
Use of existing spaces — Many residents do not want to duplicate existing spaces with brand-new ones. It is my understanding that ICON has already reviewed the Hartwell Pods and Bemis Hall for their suitability for COA&HS and PRD programs. ICON will soon visit the Pierce House, and resident Dennis Picker suggested that the Lincoln Public Library be visited. I did not hear that there were any plans for visiting space at Lincoln Station.
As ICON reviews existing spaces, I fear they are looking for problems but I hope they will also look for solutions. The architects should be able to provide insight into how difficult or costly solutions might be. For example, if the Pierce House could be used during the winter months to host indoor COA activities, what would it take to make the area suitable for these activities? Similarly, if Bemis Hall were used for art classes on the main floor and dance and music on the second floor, what modifications would be needed?
April 25 community forum — I urge everyone to attend this upcoming meeting and hope CCBC will issue the programming matrix in advance. I believe the committee is trying to address our concerns. Now is the time to ask questions and voice opinions.
- Click here to see previous Lincoln Squirrel posts about the community center.
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