Dust off your wigs, platform shoes, and polyester because Club Codman is coming on Saturday, May 20 at 8 p.m. Club Codman? The annual tradition and fundraiser for Codman Community Farms is like Halloween for grown-ups (minus the kids), plus great music and great drinks. Peacock about, maybe embarrass yourself a little bit, put on that thing you swore you’d never be seen in public wearing, and dance like you own the dance floor. See photos from 2019 and buy tickets here.
The Lincoln School eighth grade will hold a car wash on Saturday, May 20 at Town Hall to benefit their graduation activities. The cost is $20 though any donation will be accepted. You can pay on site using cash, PayPal or Venmo, or prepay with PayPal by clicking here.
The event on Monday, May 22 from 7:30–9 p.m. with FPL co-minister Rev. Nate Klug will focus on “Launching Kids and Letting Go” for parents of older kids, teens, and young adults. We’ll dwell together on that tender (sometimes abrupt, sometimes extended) threshold of launching teens and adult children to college and/or next life chapters, and the various challenges and joys that go along with this monumental shift. All are welcome, including parents of current high school seniors, as well as parents of young adults continuing to navigate the push-pull of connection and independence.
The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable will host a panel via Zoom on domestic violence survivors with disabilities on Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. The event, held in partnership with the Sudbury Commission on Disability, will feature a program coordinator from IMPACT Boston, an attorney from the Women’s Bar Foundation, and a survivor advocate from Boston Center for Independent Living. They’ll highlight some of the challenges in seeking services as well as ways to support survivors with disabilities. ASL interpretation and closed captioning will be provided. Click here to register.
“Grazing in the Grass” concert to benefit for St. Vincent de Paul of Lincoln & Weston (SVdP) featuring music by Brian Moll, Mara Bonde & Sandra Piques Eddy, Christian Rougeaux, and the Kemp Harris Band on Tuesday, May 30 at 5:30 p.m. in Pierce Park. Bring your own chair, drinks, and picnic. Suggested donation: $25 (or more).
The Democratic Town Committee will hold a caucus to elect delegates to the 2023 Massachusetts Democratic Party Convention (to be held on September 23 in person in Lowell) on Sunday, June 4 at 2 p.m. at Bemis Hall. Doors open at 1:30 and close at 2:15 sharp, as required by Massachusetts Democratic Committee rules. Five delegate and four alternates will be elected to represent Lincoln at the 2023 Massachusetts Democratic Party Convention. All registered Lincoln Democrats are eligible not only to vote and be a delegate. Democrats who will be 16 by May 23, 2023 may pre-register for the caucus and participate and run as a delegate or alternate to the convention, although they are not eligible to vote in general elections until they are 18. Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate are encouraged to apply to be an add-on delegate to the caucus at the caucus or by visiting or at www.massdems.org/massdems-convention.
Codman Community Farms will celebrate its 50th birthday at “An Evening in the Field” on Thursday, June 8 from 6–9:30 p.m. The adults-only event starts with cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres followed by a multi-course plated dinner at a long communal table nestled in the fields surrounded by fruit trees and gardens. Tom Fosnot and Ruth-Anne Adams of The Hyve, will serve a menu almost exclusively made of Codman-grown ingredients: vegetables and herbs from the gardens, eggs from their chickens, and protein from their pastured animals. Click here to order tickets.
The Housing Choice Act Working Group (HCAWG) has scheduled a virtual multi-board meeting and two public forums in June to discuss the town’s path towards compliance with the state housing law.
The goal of the Housing Choice Act is to create more transit-oriented zoning areas (meaning areas surrounding MBTA stops including Lincoln’s train station) where multifamily housing is allowed by right. Under the updated guidelines released last fall, Lincoln would be required to allow either 692 or 563 units in one or more multifamily zones, depending on whether or not the Hanscom housing units are counted. In March, HCAWG met with consultants from Utile Design to review how the state calculates developable land and to walk through an initial analysis of current zoning in Lincoln to begin identifying areas that might be logical places for rezoning.
The meeting co-hosted by the Select Board and the Planning Board will be on Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link. The public forums will be:
- Friday, June 16 at 8 a.m. in person at the Town Hall
- Tuesday, June 20 at 7 p.m. via Zoom — click here to register.
The Housing Choice Act Working Group (HCAWG) has scheduled a virtual multi-board meeting and two public forums in June to discuss the town’s path towards compliance with the state housing law.
The goal of the Housing Choice Act is to create more transit-oriented zoning areas (meaning areas surrounding MBTA stops including Lincoln’s train station) where multifamily housing is allowed by right. Under the updated guidelines released last fall, Lincoln would be required to allow either 692 or 563 units in one or more multifamily zones, depending on whether or not the Hanscom housing units are counted. In March, HCAWG met with consultants from Utile Design to review how the state calculates developable land and to walk through an initial analysis of current zoning in Lincoln to begin identifying areas that might be logical places for rezoning.
The meeting co-hosted by the Select Board and the Planning Board will be on Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link. The public forums will be:
- Friday, June 16 at 8 a.m. in person at the Town Hall
- Tuesday, June 20 at 7 p.m. via Zoom — click here to register.
The Food Project invites everyone to its annual Farm Lunch on Wednesday, July 12 at the intersection of Baker Bridge Road and Route 126. Learn informally about TFP’s mission and programming, including through conversations with teenage members of Root Crew, professional farmers, and regional directors. Arrive by noon for a walking tour of the farm. A complimentary buffet lunch including vegetarian options featuring items from the farm will be provided at 12:30 p.m. as everyone gathers at picnic tables or under the pavilion. While philanthropic support of The Food Project is always welcomed, there is no expectation of a donation associated with these community building events. Due to limited capacity, RSVP is required; email jsoto@thefoodproject.org.
The Great Meadows Public Health Collaborative (GMPHC) invites parents and caregivers to “Just Talk About It: Anxiety, Leaving High School, and Adolescent Mental Health,” a virtual program about youth mental health focusing on anxiety and young adults, on Wednesday, July 12 at 6:30 p.m. (click here for the Zoom link). Join clinician Sara Eldridge for a dynamic presentation providing a framework to understand and navigate your young adult’s emotional health, the signs and symptoms of the most prevalent mental health concerns, and how to be an effective support as they transition out of high school. A student will also share her experience with anxiety.
The GMPHC was established through two state grants and includes Bedford, Carlisle, Concord, Lincoln, Sudbury, Wayland, and Weston. Its goal is to pool resources, increase staff capacity and expertise, attract additional funding, and deliver better health protections, programs, and outcomes. For more information, contact Regional Public Health Nurse Katie Rines at krines@wayland.ma.us.
State Representative Carmine Gentile (D-Sudbury), whose district includes Lincoln’s Precinct 1, will hold in-person office hours on Friday, July 21 and virtual office hours on Thursday, July 27. In-person meetings will take place at the Sudbury Senior Center (40 Fairbank Road, Sudbury) from 10-11:00 a.m. Virtual meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams video call from 11 am.–12:30 p.m. RSVP is required to attend virtually, and is strongly encouraged to attend in person. Sign up for a 20-minute time slot by emailing Rep. Gentile’s legislative aide, Ravi Simon, at ravi.simon@mahouse.gov.
State Representative Carmine Gentile (D-Sudbury), whose district includes Lincoln’s Precinct 1, will hold in-person office hours on Friday, July 21 and virtual office hours on Thursday, July 27. In-person meetings will take place at the Sudbury Senior Center (40 Fairbank Road, Sudbury) from 10-11:00 a.m. Virtual meetings will take place via Microsoft Teams video call from 11 am.–12:30 p.m. RSVP is required to attend virtually, and is strongly encouraged to attend in person. Sign up for a 20-minute time slot by emailing Rep. Gentile’s legislative aide, Ravi Simon, at ravi.simon@mahouse.gov.
The service at the First Parish in Lincoln on “Rally Sunday” on Sunday, Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. will include a blessing of the backpacks for our children and joyful music from the choir. With a bit of history during the service, and cake afterwards on the lawn, we’ll also be celebrating the 275th anniversary of the church.
Join a free public workshop on Monday, Sept. 18 from 7-8:15 p.m. at the Lincoln Public Library on “How & Why to Talk to Young Kids About Race” offered by Story Starters. Designed for caregivers and educators, this workshop will explain the research about how racial bias develops in children from a young age, and provide evidence-based strategies adults can use to disrupt that bias and develop children’s antiracist values. Click here to register.
On Friday, Sept. 22 from 1–3 p.m., meet at the famous “twisted tree” in front of Lincoln Public Library for a special Quiet Walks and Poetry for Seekers collaboration. We’ll walk for a mile or two in the neighborhood, stopping four or five times beneath particular trees. Beneath the shade of each tree, we will hear a poem that in some way honors or features that tree species. In between each poem, we will walk in silence. At the end, we will gather in a circle and reflect on what we saw and heard. If the weather looks questionable, email Rev. Nate Klug (nate@fplincoln.org) for the latest updates.
The 11th annual Scarecrow Classic 5K kicks off on Sunday, Oct. 15 at 9:30 a.m. at Lincoln Station. This community road and trail run, which supports LLCT’s conservation mission, wind through scenic fields and forests, ending the morning with a cider donut. This year, LLCT is hosting magician Cedric Purcell to entertain guests before the awards ceremony. LLCT strongly encourages pre-registration by October 1 to guarantee participants get their desired shirt size. Click here for more information and registration. Same-day registration opens at 8:00 a.m. on race day.
LincFam welcomes new and expecting parents to a meetup for families with children under 2 or expecting a child (both parents and children are welcome) on Sunday, Sept. 24 at 3:30 p.m. Meet at the commuter parking lot next to Donelan’s to walk the Codman trails. No RSVP required. If you’d like to join the list for information on future events and meetups, click here.
Talk with other parents about “Practicing Self-Compassion as a Parent,” part of the First Parish in Lincoln’s “Conversations on Tap” series, on Monday, Sept. 25 from 7:30–9 p.m. in the Tack Room. Led by Rev. Kit Novotny, FLP co-minister, will explore the practice of self-compassion (based on the work of Dr. Kristin Neff and others) as a strategy for parenting with empathy over perfectionism, gently shifting from shame and stress spirals toward cultivating a kind, supportive inner voice. We’ll also explore how self-compassion can be a tool we pass onto our children. Open to the wider community – all spiritual backgrounds (and none) very welcome.
Lincoln author Ray Shepard (A Long Time Coming) will host a session with middle schoolers and caregivers on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. to talk about Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi. Email sfeather@minlib.net to register.