Naturalist John Calabria will lead monthly “Noticing Walks” starting on Tuesday, Sept. 14 from 1–2:30 p.m. starting at the back of the commuter lot near Donelan’s (other walks are on October 5, November 2, and December 7). Click here for more information and registration. Sponsored by the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust and the Council on Aging and Human Services.
The Lincoln Public Library presents best-selling author David Baldacci via Zoom on Thursday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. He will be discussing his latest novel Mercy, the fourth installment in the Atlee Pine thriller series. Baldacci’s books are published in over 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, with 150 million copies sold worldwide and have been adapted for film and television. He is also the cofounder, along with his wife, of the Wish You Well Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting literacy efforts across America.
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Lincoln Public Library in collaboration with the Tewksbury Public Library, public libraries across Massachusetts, and Wellesley Books. Free and open to all, but registration is required; click here to register.
The Lincoln Public Library will host a Zoom screening of the talk given at the Concord Museum in June by Harvard Professor Tiya Miles on her book, All She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake, on Thursday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. Lincoln author Ray Shepard will introduce the talk. All That She Carried is a National Book Award winner for 2021 and has been selected as one of the best books of 2021 by Time, Washington Post and New York Times. The sack — created by Rose, an enslaved woman, for her daughter, who at age nine was sold by their owner — was inherited by her great-granddaughter Ruth, who embroidered the story into the sack. Click here to join the Zoom meeting (passcode: 125443).
The American Chestnut Foundation’s lead volunteer in Lincoln, Mark Meehl, will discuss the history of this tree and efforts to preserve its genetic diversity in town at a Conservation Department event on Thursday, Jan. 6 at 8 a.m. In this slide talk, he’ll share photos and videos of TACF’s current efforts and goals at the Flint Fields and Umbrello land. After the presentation you’ll hear updates from our Conservation Department and Lincoln Land Conservation Trust. Click here for the Zoom link (meeting ID: 913 6669 9916; passcode: 065122). Email with any questions.
The First Parish Lincoln (FPL) Racial Justice Journey continues on Thursday, Jan. 6 from 7–9 p.m. with a Zoom screening of the PBS documentary “The Long Shadow,” which offers a summary of racism in America from its beginnings to recent times. Emmy Award- winning director Frances Causey traces her family’s legacy of plantation-owning in the South and continues into the 20th century. Click here to join the screening via Zoom (meeting ID: 987 9477 5010, passcode: 541766).
Lincoln’s GRALTA Foundation is co-sponsoring “Hope in the Midst of Calamity: A View from Palestine,” an online presentation by Bethlehem University professor and Palestine Museum of Natural History founder Mazin Qumsiyeh, on Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 7 p.m. The event is hosted by the Community Church of Boston and co-sponsored by Muslims for Progressive Values and Jewish Voice for Peace. Qumsiyeh, a U.S. citizen, lives in Bethlehem and is an internationally known voice for Palestinian science and rights. He is co-founder of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability. Click here to join the Zoom meeting (meeting ID: 895 5257 5898, password: 246499).
How did Boston’s western suburbs become the largely white and affluent communities they are today? Lily Geismer, Associate Professor of History at Claremont McKenna College, examines the results of post-war federal policies and local suburbanization and their impacts on race and class in residential patterns in Lincoln and surrounding towns. Geismer is author of Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party and Left Behind: The Democrats’ Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality. Elise Lemire, author of Black Walden, writes in the introduction to Don’t Blame Us: “This is local history at its finest, both particular in its questions and far reaching with its answers. I will never see my hometown of Lincoln, Massachusetts, in quite the same way again.”
Co-sponsored by First Parish Lincoln’s Racial Justice Advocates, Lincoln WIDE (Welcome, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity), an organization of Lincoln residents, and the Lincoln Historical Society. Click here for the Zoom link (meeting ID: 943 6533 7243, passcode: 392036)
“Undesign the Redline” with Braden Crooks will be presented via Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. “Redlining” is a shorthand reference to maps that create racial boundaries that define neighborhoods and are used in discriminatory ways to determine ownership and access to resources and services. How has redlining shaped residential patterns in greater Boston, and how does Boston’s history of redlining continue to impact our lives? An interactive exhibit, “Undesign the Redline” connects the deliberate and systematic racial housing segregation of the 1930s to political and social issues of today. Hosted by the First Parish in Lincoln and co-sponsored by the Lincoln Public Library. Click here for Zoom information.
Join us for a winter night hike through field and forest. You’ll learn about owl calls, behavior, and habitat as we search and listen for our resident screech, barred and great horned owls. Pre-registration required ($17 for members, $21 for non-members). Click here to register.
This richly illustrated online lecture by Jana Milbocker will provides inspiration and tips on designing your garden for winter interest, choosing the best trees, shrubs, and perennials, and grouping them to create arresting vignettes. Free. Click here to register. Sponsored by the Friends of the Lincoln Public Library.
The Lincoln Land Conservation Trust is sponsoring “Photographing Moments in Nature” with Barbara Peskin on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 7-8 p.m. via Zoom. Whatever the season, there are many special moments to capture. Composing a photo involves both observation and understanding of the subject’s behavior as well as being prepared for an unexpected opportunity. In this program, Barbara will share what was behind the scenes of some of her favorite images from Lincoln and nearby. She will also demonstrate some of the Photoshop work that goes into editing her images. Attendance is limited; click here to register.
Caregivers and their babies (two months or older and pre-verbal) are invited to this four-week workshop with Sheryl White. Sheryl will show you how to teach your baby sign language as well as explore benefits and research for caregivers. Each week participants will “bring” props to class to help bring the virtual program to life with signing directly to the babies. Participants are encouraged to sign up for all four sessions, which will take place over Zoom on Fridays from 10:30- 11:15 (other dates are February 18, February 25, and March 11). Email to register and receive a Zoom invite.
Hear award-winning humor writer, art law journalist, and lawyer Martha Lufkin of Lincoln read from her latest book of newspaper humor columns tackling everything from the Lincoln dump to the local schools to backtalk from teens, travel mishaps in Paris, and more. Martha will talk about her years writing for the Lincoln Journal, and her mother’s work as editor from 1957-1971 of the Fence Viewer, Lincoln’s former newspaper. All are welcome to join the event via Zoom; email to sign up.
The Lincoln Green Energy Committee (GEC) and the Green Energy Consumers Alliance are hosting an electric vehicle Zoom presentation as part of the GEC’s EV 2022 campaign. There will be a question and answer period at the end of the Zoom. This event will be on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at noon. Click here to register and get the Zoom link. Learn more about EVs on this GEC page or this GECA page.
Author Margaret Spence will speak about her latest novel Joyous Lies via Zoom on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. Maelle Woolley, a shy botanist, prefers plants to people because they don’t suddenly disappear. Joyous Lies is a tale of family secrets straining the bonds of family love and lost ideals. Spence, a native of Australia, moved to the U.S. and earned a master’s degree in journalism. Her first novel Lipstick on the Strawberry was published in 2017. Click here to join the Zoom event (meeting ID: 870 9303 4809; passcode: 227284).
The Friends of the Lincoln Library present “An Evening with Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin: Cultivating Justice Toward Racial Equality” via Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. Since the death of her 17-year-old son Trayvon, Fulton has become a role model to many by turning her grief into advocacy. Her book co-authored with Tracy Martin, Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin, shares the intimate story of a tragically foreshortened life and the rise of a movement that awoke a nation’s conscience. Her February 24 topics include “We Are All Trayvon” and “From Pain to Purpose: The Time is Now to Own Democracy.” Click here for more information and registration.