The Lincoln Review was founded in 1977 by Ruth Hapgood, Nancy Bower, and Margaret Marsh “to provide residents and friends of the town of Lincoln with a small magazine or newsletter, which will contain material of informational, education, and literary interest.” Until spring 2019, it was produced and printed by longtime Lincoln residents Betty Smith and the late Harold Smith, assisted by friends and family. You can see issues of the Lincoln Review from 1977–1980 by clicking here.
In 2020, the Lincoln Review was rebranded the Lincoln Chipmunk as an online-only publication produced by Alice Waugh, who is also editor and publisher of the Lincoln Squirrel. In summer 2024, the publication reverted to its original name and welcomed editor Barbara Rhines, though it’s still posted on the Lincoln Squirrel website.
An important new section for “makers” is now part of the Lincoln Review. In future issues, we would also like to include a spread showcasing the creative endeavors of Lincoln high school students. And to further honor the “storied” history of this town and prior contributors, we hope to feature vintage submissions selected from the past issues of the Lincoln Review/Lincoln Chipmunk.
Check out the Lincoln Review’s submission guidelines. Be creative and send in your work! And please tell your friends about this vital new journal of literature, art, and craft.