Learn about spending projects
On Tuesday, March 18 at 7:30pm, the Capital Planning Committee and Community Preservation Committee will preview their slate of FY26 Projects before they are formally presented at Annual Town Meeting on Saturday, March 29. This joint meeting will be held virtually, providing the public the opportunity to participate remotely. Click here for the Zoom link. See the lists of projects and details of the CPC requests.
Film: “Stranger than Paradise”
The Lincoln Library Film Society presents “Stranger than Paradise” directed by Jim Jarmusch on Thursday, March 20 at 6:00pm in the Tarbell Room. Three slackers are on a self-discovery road trip to Florida. More information.
GearTicks robotics event for grades 1-3
The Lincoln GearTicks are hosting a free event for students in grades 1-3 on Saturday, March 22 from 10:00-11:00am in the Lincoln School Learning Commons. There will be Lego robot demos, Segway bot battles, Lego free play, and FLL Explore team models. See what Lincoln’s First Lego League Explore teams were working on this season and have some fun. More information: hello@gearticks.com.
Deck’s quilts featured in show
Quilts by Lincoln resident Tricia Deck will be included in Concord 250’s “Quilts 250: Stitching in the Spirit of Democracy” on Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23 from 10:00am–4:00pm at Concord Academy (166 Main St., Concord). The free show — a collaboration among local quilt guilds Concord Piecemakers, Quilters’ Connection, and Rising Star Quilters Guild — will showcase over 200 quilts in a variety of categories: Antique, Traditional, Contemporary, The Spirit of 1775, and Quilts of Protest. There will be children’s activities, a quality boutique, and Quilts in Bloom, a display of floral arrangements paired with quilts. There will also be a ticketed lecture ($10) on Saturday, March 22.
Town Moderator’s annual meeting on March 26
The Town Moderator will be hosting her annual meeting on Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00pm in the Town Hall’s Donaldson Conference Room and on Zoom (passcode: 378902) in preparation for the March 29 Annual Town Meeting. The purpose of the moderator’s meeting is to iron out procedural details (e.g., clarifying meeting protocols, identifying presenters, establishing presentation times, etc.) with the presenting boards and committees to help ensure a smooth and efficiently managed Town Meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Information related to this year’s Town Meeting including the warrant (the list of business to be conducted, the Finance Committee’s report and budget, and various other materials) can be found on the Town Meeting web page.
Get ready for town election
Lincoln’s annual town election is coming up on Monday, March 31. There are two contested races on the ballot in which there are three candidates for two open positions: the Planning Board and the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School District Committee. Click here for a sample ballot.
For a municipal election, the state does not send out postcards that you can fill out to request a ballot. Therefore, if you wish to vote by mail, please complete a Vote by Mail application form and return it to the Town Clerk’s office. Please note that, under state law, typed signatures on applications are not permitted. The deadline to request to vote by mail is Monday, March 24 by 5:00pm.
Early voting in person starts on Saturday, March 22 and continues on Monday, March 24 through Thursday, March 27 from 10:00am-3:00pm each day in the Donaldson Room in Town Hall. On Election Day, the polls are open from 7:30am-8:00pm in the Reed Gym on Ballfield Road. Click here for more information.
LSB Players presents “Once Upon a Wolf”
LSB Players, the theater production company of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, presents “Once Upon a Wolf” by Steph DeFerie on Saturday, March 29 at 11:00am (sensory-friendly) and 3:00pm in the school’s Kirshner Auditorium. It’s part of the group’s TYA (theatre for young audiences) initiative. There will be lobby activities for young children before the show and during intermission. Concessions will also be sold at intermission (cash only). Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and students, and $5 for ages 5 and under. Purchase online or at the door.
Volunteer members sought for Green Energy Committee
The Select Board is seeking up to four additional volunteers to serve a one-year term (renewable annually) as appointed members to the Lincoln Green Energy Committee. If interested, please submit a completed volunteer application and cover letter by Friday, April 4 for decision at the April 14 Select Board meeting. For more information about what the GEC does and how to apply, click here.