By Ephraim Flint
After much reflection, I have decided not to run for another term on the Planning Board and would like to take this opportunity to thank Lincoln residents for allowing me to serve on the Board for the past three years. For a great many generations, going back to the early 18th century, Lincoln’s volunteer government and town meeting have served the town well, guiding Lincoln through many changes and challenges, and making the town the special place that it is today. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that this tradition continues.
We will be electing two Planning Board members at the upcoming election on Monday, March 31. I am delighted to support Susan Hall Mygatt and Rob Ahlert for these positions. Susan has been active in town government for many years. She is currently co-chair of the Conservation Commission and she previously served on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Through her many contributions to the town, she has demonstrated thoughtful consideration of issues and respect for Lincoln’s traditions and unique character.
Rob Ahlert has been an active participant at many board and committee meetings over the last 5 years. He’s young (compared to me!), energetic, and eager to help move the town forward in a thoughtful way that preserves our town’s heritage. Much of the Planning Board’s work over the last 5 years has focused on the Lincoln Station area. Rob will be an important contributor to this ongoing effort because, in addition to his technical skills, he lives in the Lincoln Station area. With all the changes that are slated for this area, I believe it’s critical that the neighborhood has a voice on the Planning Board.
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