It is with great enthusiasm that we, the undersigned, endorse Susan Hall Mygatt to be elected to a seat on the Lincoln Planning Board. We believe her combination of relevant town experience, commitment to balancing town character and growth, and genuine excitement for the role make her uniquely qualified to be an informed, engaged, and effective Planning Board member.
You’ve probably seen Susan around town. She has been an active volunteer in Lincoln for many years, serving in roles including seats on Lincoln’s Zoning Board of Appeal (eight years) and on Lincoln’s Conservation Commission (six years), of which she is currently co-chair. She regularly attends Planning Board meetings and is very familiar with Lincoln’s zoning bylaws, the Planning Board’s regulations, and the issues and requests that the board addresses. She will be a ready-to-go board asset on day one.
As a retired real estate attorney and board member of several nonprofit organizations, Susan brings both attention to detail and great respect for the role of collaboration for the common good. She is comfortable asking difficult questions — always with respect — and is committed to community engagement, timely and open sharing of information, and a clear, transparent public process. This will create a welcoming environment for productive exchanges among and with the Planning Board.
Susan sees an opportunity to value Lincoln’s rural character while respecting the state-wide need for more housing. She believes that the town can find a balance that protects the aspects of Lincoln which we value and at the same time carefully plan for inevitable change. She is a keen listener and believes that open collaboration is a key element to finding and implementing solutions that unite, not divide.
At a time of great change, when we are making decisions about processes and solutions that impact the future of our town, Susan Hall Mygatt is the ideal choice for a seat on the Lincoln Planning Board. Please join us in voting for Susan Hall Mygatt for one of the two seats on the Lincoln Planning Board.
Phil Ayoub
Suzanne Ayoub
Ken Bassett
Diana Beaudoin
Nancy E. Bergen
Penny Billings
Corinne Blickman-Sadoski
Nancy Boulton-LeGates
Sandra Bradlee
Libby Bradshaw
Peter Braun
Irene Briedes
Katherine Brobeck
Mary Brody
Susan F. Brooks
Gus Brown
Bruce Campbell
Irene Chu
Frank Clark
Nancy Constable
Buzz Constable
Jud Crawford
Sandy Creighton
Elizabeth Creighton
David Cuetos
Priscilla Damon
Betsy Danziger
Penny Denormandie
Tom Denormandie
Vicky Diaduk
Carol DiGianni
Robert Domnitz
Jona Donaldson
Moira Donnell
Jeff Eaton
Lisa Elder
Andy Falender
Margaret Flint
Ephriam Flint
Karla Gravis
Laurie Gray
Sandra Grindlay
Tina Grotzer
Thomas Harding
Anna Hardman
Eric A. Harris
Lee Harrison
Sherry Haydock
Bob Hicks
Sally Hicks
Kerry Hoffman
Paul Hoffman
Susan Holland
Deborah Howe
Yanni Ioannides
Susan Abigail Janes
Sonja Johansson
Kim Johnson
Bayhas Kana
Priscilla Kern
Ed Kern
Susan Ketteringham
Ari Kurtz
Ed Lang
Isabel Lee
John LeGates
Barbara Leggat
Virginia Lemire
Mark Levinson
Sarah Liepert
Mary Helen Lorenz
Gwyn Loud
Jeffrey Lukowsky
Mark Masterson
Sara Mattes
June Matthews
Ron McAdow
Linda McMillan
Jim Meadors
Joseph Miller
Carolyn Montie
Paul Montie
Tom Moran
Anne Mostue
Patricia Mostue
Connie Ohlsten
Richard Ohlsten
Timothy Oldfield
Elizabeth Orgel
Rob Orgel
John Ottenberg
Nat Park
Ann Park
Suzanne Parker
Andrea Patton
Ashton Peery
Barbara Peskin
Carol Peskin
Tia Picco
Sarah Postlethwait
Lisa Putukian
Barbara Rhines
Michael Rhines
David Ries
Jean Risley
Charles Rolando
Mary Rosenfeld
Tom Saidnawey
Denna Saidnawey
Susan Sewall
Steven Sewall
Ben Shiller
Collete Sizer
Elizabeth Slater
Jonathan Small
Diana Smith
Lynne Smith
Tucker Smith
Adam Sodowick
Nancy Soulette
Susanna Szeto
Joanne Wise
Katherine Wolf
Edward Young
Anne Young
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